Written by Jack

On September 10, 2020

Reflections on the Crisis of 2012

By Jack Allis

 This is being written on September 2 2020.

Yesterday was a big day for me, as I ran into two pieces of vital information that answered important questions that I’ve had about the Covid-19 virus from the beginning, and which basically blew the whole pandemic theory out of the water.  Nothing about this surprises me.  I’ve been preparing for the collapse of the civilized world for 15 years now.  And I believe the reality of the old paradigm is all part of the deceit and manipulation of the global elite, who own and control the world.  But ever since 9/11 I pledged to no longer do extensive research on the machinations of the elite because it always follows precisely the same pattern, and I have better things to do with my time, like live close to nature and practice my ceremonial spirituality.  I do scan the mainstream headlines most days and I have a few conspiracy sources that I check in with, particularly Jon Rappoport of No More Fake News.  But that’s about it.

One question I’ve had about Covid-19 from the beginning was how harmful it actually was.  Was there a real danger here or was this just another flu bug?  Then, on August 31, Jon reported that on August 26 the CDC revised its COVID US death number, from 161,000 to less than 10,000, with the qualification of “died from the virus and no other causes.”  “The rest had 2-3 additional causes of death, the vast majority of which were chronic diseases indicative of poor health which long pre-existed this event,” as reported by GreenMedInfo.  Now, in my world, this is front page news, the implications of which are jaw-dropping.  This is information that could change the way people think about this so-called crisis.  But the CDC made this announcement very surreptitiously, and the liberal mainstream media barely touched it.

And then on September 1, Jon reported another bombshell, which, when coupled with the first, tears down the pandemic theory even more.  On August 29 reports:  “According to The New York Times, potentially 90 percent of those who have tested positive for COVID-19 have such insignificant amounts of the virus present in their bodies that such individuals do not need to isolate nor are they candidates for contact tracing. Leading public health experts are now concerned that overtesting is responsible for misdiagnosing a huge number of people with harmless amounts of the virus in their systems.”  The Times adds: “Most of these people are not likely to be contagious.”  At issue here is the PCR Test, which is so sensitive it picks up miniscule amounts of the virus that are of no consequence.  Now, this is the New York Times we’re talking about, a bastion of the liberal mainstream media and hardly a radical source.

So, we have 161,000 down to less than 10,000 and 90% of all positives are false positives.  Does anyone else see this pandemic shrinking into a flu-bug?

In addition, to the NY Times, our other source was the Center for Disease Control (CDC), which is a major player in the Covid-19 Crisis and a major source of medical power in America and the world.  The CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) are the ones making the policies regarding controlling the virus and treating it with the new vaccine.  These organizations have a lot in common.  They are both unelected, accountable to nobody but themselves, with the goal of global government, at the expense of the nation states, like America.  The CDC is technically a branch of the federal government, but it has been its own autonomous agency for a long time, controlled as it is by the pharmaceutical cartel and the Rockefellers, which also control all of mainstream medicine world-wide.  The pharmaceutical cartel plays the same role with the WHO.

This is where the real power in the world lies, with the global elite, who own everything, at the top of the pyramid of power.  For decades now the CDC and WHO have been lying to the people of the world on behalf of the elite about viruses and vaccines and pushing the theory that the only viable treatment for the diseases of the modern world is pharmaceutical medication.  And now we face the very real possibility of a mandatory vaccine that would force the people of the world into a form of global citizenship, possibly under UN jurisdiction, which is unprecedented, and which is giant step forward in global government and the New World Order.  This is what is meant by medical tyranny.

God, all I can say is we, humanity must wake up to all this bullshit, and say no to it as powerfully as we are able.  If enough of us did this, I truly believe it could have an impact that could change the world.  I like to call this a Gandhi-like revolution.  Look what he did in India.  Follow that model.  People wake up to how evil their world is, and they decide to break free from that world and not support it anymore.  We are what holds this world up.  If enough of us stopped playing the game and started creating our own separate world, the old world wouldn’t be able to hold up.  But this break has got to be total.  Breaking free means breaking free, and this is the best way to connect with our spiritual energy too.  And it is vitally important to get our heads out of mainstream politics – both sides, Democrat and Republican, liberal and conservative.  Mainstream politics is an important part of the illusion that is used to enslave us.  Just think what could be done with all the energy that’s wasted there.

When things get really crazy, we must always remind ourselves that it is the global elite that is running this show, behind the scenes.  Things may not stop being crazy, but at least they’ll make sense.  Their goal is to destroy Donald Trump and weaken America, destroy it if necessary, because there’s a good chance a strong America would present a threat to their global fascist government scheme.  They’ve been chipping away at this for decades.  Their primary weapon in accomplishing this is the brainwashing through the mainstream media, including the Internet, which they own and control, and which has become fanatically liberal and one-sided like never before in history.  Black Lives Matter (BLM) fits right in here.  BLM is a media invention that was placed where it was to provide a distraction from Covid-19, which they don’t want people thinking about.  Police brutality toward Blacks and all racism are serious issues, but in relation to all the other evil stuff going on in this country and around the world, like Covid-19, it probably wouldn’t make the top 20.  But this is how the game is being played right now.  The elite is using the media to fan the flames of this liberal Trump-hating rebellion, and divide the American people to the point where they can’t communicate or cooperate

There’s only one thing that really matters here.  We, the people, must wake up and stop playing the game – stop supporting this madness.  Break free and create our own world – a sane one.