Written by Jack

On October 12, 2020

Maybe That’s the Answer
By Jack Allis

At the end of the 19th Century, the Native Americans in the Great Plains and Southwest were making their last stand against the imperialism of the United States of America, an imperialism that continues to this day.  After four centuries of war, it was clear that the Native Americans who were still alive and free wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer, but they were willing to die rather than surrender their way of life.  It was at this time that a vision and a ceremony, called Ghost Dancing, spread among all the remaining free natives, uniting them as never before.  It was a last desperate surge of spiritual energy, calling upon the powers of the supernatural to help them prevail against the white man.  It was a huge group prayer, in which they danced and reached trance states by various means, communing with the spirits of the dead, giving them power that was not of this world.

Of course, we all know the outcome.  Aside from isolated skirmishes, the massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890 marked the end of the Indian Wars.  However, what’s very significant about all this was the attitude of the US Military and the US government about the Ghost Dancing.  They feared it.  They feared that if it was allowed to go on, it would empower the Natives in ways that made them far more difficult to conquer, even with the odds stacked so massively against them.  As a matter of fact, the attack on Wounded Knee was an attack on Ghost Dancing.  The US Military had been engaged with the Natives a long time.  They were fully aware these were formidable adversaries.  They were true warriors, strong by virtue of living on the Earth and in harmony with her, stronger by virtue of the supernatural power of their ceremonial spirituality, and even stronger because theirs was the ultimate cause: defending their way of life from invasion.  This was the reason the Natives were forbidden to practice their traditional spirituality and ceremony on all the reservations after 1890.  It was too empowering.  It made them more difficult to rule.

I am writing this on October 10 2020, almost seven months into the Covid-19 crisis, which might turn out to be the most impactful event in human history.  And the situation today is unchanged.  Precisely the same people are in power and engineering world events as in 1890.  This is the global elite, a tiny group of people, or beings, who own everything, including all the national banks and the huge multi-national corporations, and who use this awesome power to create a world of illusion that holds humanity under its sway.  Their goal is the New World Order (NWO), a global government under their control.  These are the same imperialist forces that invaded America and exterminated the Natives.

And today, instead of the Natives, it is the American people (and the people of the world) who are under attack.  And that’s what Covid-19 is.  This virus is a biological weapon that was intentionally released.  Whether it is a true pandemic or whether it is a complete hoax doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference.  The end-result is the same.  It is an attack upon the liberty of the people of the world, and it appears to be a giant step forward for the globalists.  This would be accomplished through a mandatory vaccine, and the issuing of a new global ID, thus creating a new global jurisdiction, which would be a major stepping stone for the NWO.  This would all be under the control of the pharmaceutical cartel, an important member of the global elite, and in conjunction with other globalist organizations, such as the UN, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

And in all likelihood, this ID will become very important, like our driver’s license now, and life could be made very difficult for those of us who refuse it.  And whether people want to hear this or not, Donald Trump, with his America first agenda, is a major obstacle to the NWO.  That’s why they are so intent on destroying him through the mainstream media, which they own, and weakening America, destroying it if necessary.  Biden is a puppet, under the control of the globalists, and a vote for him is a vote for the NWO and a redefinition of what America is, which has been going on for a while, and which is OK with most of the liberals.  And if all of this doesn’t happen this time, it has been set up for next time, when things might be even worse, or the time after that, or the one after that.

Obviously, we, like the Natives before us, are underdogs in this battle.  How can we expect to defeat an enemy so powerful?  There is a very simple answer.  The enemy and their matrix of illusion are only as strong as the people who hold it up.  The solution is in our hands.  The answer is for the people of America and the world to wake up to how they have been deceived and manipulated for thousands of years, and begin to withhold their support from their oppressor, stop feeding the beast.  We must free our minds and our spirits from this world and reclaim total responsibility for our lives.  When enough of us do, the old paradigm will be swept away.  And it won’t matter because if enough of us are prepared, we will be able to survive this catastrophe and live to create a new world from its ashes.

Like the Natives before us with their Ghost Dancing, we believe we can persevere in this great challenge because we believe in the power of the supernatural. Ghost Dancing was a response to the peril of their times and an effort to overcome it with power that was not of this world.  Today the times are still perilous.  Perhaps that’s just what these times call for – a return to Ghost Dancing.  I can think of nothing better to be doing with our time.  The time is right to head for the hills, to get out of the cities, into the clean air, to gather around our ceremonial fires, to pray, to sing, to dance, to raise the frequency of our vibration, and to reach out to the world of the spirit with this energy.  We pray for guidance to persevere in this great challenge of the paradigm shift and to be true to our calling as spiritual warriors in creating the new world.