Written by Jack

On April 19, 2018

Things that People Don’t Want to Hear
That Hold the Key to Understanding our World
By Jack Allis

One of the great ironies for me as a writer is I write about things that people don’t want to hear, which, obviously, makes it far more difficult to reach a large audience..  But I accepted long ago that this comes with the turf of telling the total truth.    When the total truth about our civilized world is told, sinister and dark aspects quickly emerge.  But in spite of how ugly it is, there is never any substitute for the truth.  And yes, the truth that shall set us free, or at least open the door.  And in this case, the truth is indispensible because it is the only thing that will allow us to make sense out of our insane world.  In a divinely ordered universe, everything must make sense.

My work consists of three basic areas or themes, and two of them are taboos.  A taboo is defined here as something you are forbidden to talk about because this would threaten the entire fabric of the status quo.  The first and most important theme is the power of our indigenous spirituality to change ourselves and our world.  This is no longer a taboo.  Back in the 19th Century, when the Native Americans were conquered, it was.  The Native Americans were forbidden to practice their native spirituality because the white man understood the danger it posed.  The second theme is the conspiracy to trick us into becoming slaves.  And the third is the role that extraterrestrials play in our world in the past and in the present.  These two remain taboos.

The theme of our indigenous spirituality is the only one of the three that provides a solution.  Indigenous spirituality here is defined as the spirituality that is practiced by the indigenous people of Planet Earth from traditions spanning the globe.  These people all carry the same message for us.  It is a message that is derived from the same source, which is the relationship they have with nature and with Mother Earth.  This too is where we find the one solution to the problems in the world today.  Simply stated, the solution consists of returning to a way of life that is sustainable and in harmony with nature and the laws of nature.  This is how these indigenous people lived before Western Civilization exterminated them.

The other two themes, the conspiracy and ET’s, are taboos, though the numbers of people who are opening their minds to them is growing significantly.  This is particularly true for ET’s, as variations of this story are beginning to show up in the mainstream media, which reminds us to never trust this source, no matter what!  When the mainstream starts to report this story, or any, it will be with a spin that serves its own purpose and conceals or distorts most of the truth.

Let’s define exactly what is meant here by conspiracy.  A conspiracy is a secret agenda to deceive and manipulate others.  This is precisely the situation we have in our world today.  This is orchestrated in a way that is very complex and mysterious and summing it up in a few words is a challenge but let’s give it a shot..

Let’s start at the beginning with the ET’s.  Aside from the escalating numbers of people who have had sightings or encounters, the true history of Planet Earth makes no sense without including the role played by extraterrestrials.  There are a multitude of structures, shrines and artifacts spanning the globe, for which there is no other possible explanation.  And virtually every ancient religious text on the planet, all of which are very cryptic,, including the Bible, the Vedas, Greek Mythology and the Mayan Popol Vuh, depict celestial events, beings who come from the sky and a vast array of gods and goddesses who overlook the affairs of humanity.

I believe the theory of Zacharia Sitchen tells the story very well.  He was the translator of the inscriptions on the ancient tablets that were discovered in Sumer, which was a part of ancient Babylon.  The tablets dated back 6000 years, and they told a story that completely overturned the commonly accepted view of the world.   Subsequently, of course, this became a taboo and Sitchen a mad man.  They told of a race of beings who came to Earth from another world about 200,000 years ago, for the purpose of colonization and to mine gold.  These beings also claim to have created a slave race by combining their DNA with that of the native humans, either by inbreeding or in the laboratory, creating a race of genetic hybrids, part ET, part human.

As far as the conspiracy is concerned, all we need to do is follow the trail of the money, and we learn that the world is owned and controlled by a small group of elite people, or beings, who operate entirely behind the scenes.  As we get close to the top of the pyramid of power, we find the international banking families, like the Rothschild’s, who create the money that enslaves us, and the Rockefellers and the oil monopoly that enslaves us, and the Royal families around the world, whose international financial holdings are astounding, and a few others like this.  Beyond that, it gets fuzzy.  We know that all the important decisions in the world are made at the meetings of secret societies, like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group, which are attended by the world’s wealthiest and most influential people.  These meetings are by invitation only and they are secret.  It is a mystery who does the inviting.  And there are probably other meetings that are even more secret than this.

The agenda from the top of the pyramid is the same as it’s been for 6000 years, farther back if you follow the thread.  Like the monarchs earlier in our history, the beings at the top of the pyramid see themselves as divinely ordained to rule the people of Planet Earth.  They do this by creating a vast matrix of illusion, in which people are tricked into believing they are free, when in fact they are slaves.  In modern times, a primary tool to accomplish this is the mainstream media, which the elite own and control.  People are tricked into giving up their freedom and their spirit in return for the promise of financial security and being taken care of cradle to grave by their masters.

And yes, the question begs to be asked whether the ET’s or the hybrids from 200,000 years ago are the same as the shadowy figures at the top of the pyramid of power today.  I believe that possibility needs to be seriously considered.  Either way, the agenda is the same.  And all of this begins to provide answers to the most perplexing question of all.  Why is humanity botching it so badly on Planet Earth?  Our masters would like us to believe it is because we are greedy and violent by nature.  This gives them the right to regulate us.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  Humanity and Planet Earth are a mess because they have been tampered with by outside forces.  The natural development of the Earth and her people has been interfered with by beings who have no interest in sustainability or living in harmony with nature, but whose objective is exploitation and control.

All of which brings us back to the central point, which is the primary source of our power to do something about this, our spirituality.  It is essential at this time that we, the human race, wake up to how we are pawns in this insidious game.  Once we are awake, we must stop playing the game, or at least begin to learn how to stop playing the game.  We must reclaim our place as free children of the universe and reassume complete responsibility over our lives, which means remembering how to live sustainably and in harmony with nature again.  When enough of us do this, the existing system will fall of its own dead weight.